Happy Hour & Hormones
Grab a drink, relax, and join us in this webinar to learn about how both men and women experience hormonal changes that affect everyday life, and how you can fix it.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020
6:30 PM
In this webinar Dr. Harris will talk about how both men and women experience hormonal changes that affect your everyday life with symptoms such as:

Low Libido
Decreased Muscle Mass
Erectile Dysfunction
Mood Swings

Hot flashes
Night Sweats
Low Libido
Mood Swings
Find relief with:

BiaPelle is a natural, plant-based, bio-identical hormone replacement pellet therapy. With a simple in-office procedure, pellets that are customized just for you are inserted under the skin. This way, hormones are absorbed in a way that mimics your body’s natural ability and lasts for 3-4 months in women and 5-6 months in men. In this virtual seminar, Dr. Harris will speak in detail about BiaPelle therapy and how it can change your life for the better.
The cost for this seminar is $20, which will count as a credit towards a consultation with Dr. Harris.
Andre Harris, MD
Andre T. Harris Sr., MD, FACOG, has been serving Dayton, Ohio since he started his practice in 2006. He is currently the Chief Medical Officer at Atrium Hospital and specializes in hormone replacement therapy at Horizons Hormones and Weight Loss. In 2018 Dr. Harris gave a talk at TedXDayton, which has garnered almost 2 million views on YouTube. In this seminar Dr. Harris will talk about his personal experiences with hormonal imbalance, the importance of hormonal balance, and how you can change your life for the better.
“You’re not just tired all the time. The kids aren’t the reason why your sex drive is gone. And it may not be that you just have a poor ability to lose weight because you pick up the fork too often. It’s your hormones.”
What People Are Saying
“No more HOT FLASHES. And my partner thanks you too!!!”
“I can’t sing from the roof tops enough. My husband (of 3 years-2nd marriage for both) lost our spark quick but we learned it was low hormones because we both ASKED for testing. I’m 44 but like a 20 yr old newlywed. The benefits are tenfold though. I’m also sleeping better, my mood is better and my stress is less because I’m good with all natural hormone replacement now. It’s like a new lease on life!”
“I would absolutely recommend Horizons Hormones and Weight Loss, and Dr. Harris to others. Having Low T is having low T, it doesn’t reflect your manhood, it reflects you need some Testosterone. My wife and I thank you!”
Why Choose Us
Horizons Webinar
Weight Loss Power Hour
While we offer several different weight loss programs, we recognize that “one-size” does not “fit all”. All of our programs are customized for your specific needs and weight loss goals. We’re with you every step of the way!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020
7:30 PM
Rachael Jennings, FNP-BC
Rachael had been trying to lose weight for several years. As a marathon runner she believed that if she ran long-distance or worked out vigorously, she could eat whatever she wanted because she had “calories to spare”. Learning that you can’t work off a bad diet was the turning point. She began our HCG program and in the 1st week lost 7 lbs! After 4 weeks of the program she lost a total of 25 lbs, and lost another 5 lbs during the maintenance phase.

“Overall I feel that I have much more energy. I am able to wake up early in the mornings without hitting the snooze button a million times. I don’t get tired or sluggish throughout the day and am able to sleep more soundly at night!”
Weight Loss Programs
We offer different programs for different goals and budgets:

An injection full of vitamins to boost your metabolism and energy level.

3 month program with a physician prescribed oral appetite suppressant.

6-8 week program using the hormone HCG and a low calorie diet.
Our Blog
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Ready to Make a Change?
Learn all about BiaPelle hormone replacement therapy in our webinar. If you’re ready to get started, simply schedule your consultation with Dr. Harris.